Tuesday, July 12, 2011

where did these tomatoes come from

I know it has been a while since i have posted anything about the garden at our townhouse. Since last years garden failed so bad i hadn't posted anything of relevant value here. So lets now move past that bad memory.

There is one thing that has happened now 3 years in a row, so i know its not a fluke, is i keep having these tomatoes come up from where i had them growing the year before. This really isnt a complaint but more of a learning experience.

My normal routine is that in January or February i start my seeds. By May they are ready to plant. They're Not the biggest and thickest tomato plants but i know they will get bigger and stronger once in the ground. And ill be, if these tomatoes from previous years haven't seeded them selves and come up stronger and better looking in a shorter amount of time then the once i started growing in Jan.

Case in point: this year i decided to do quality over quantity. My seeded tomoatoe plants look really healthy this year but those dang feral tomatoes are already putting on nice red tomatoes.

I think next year im going to go out and label where i place my seeds so i know whats growing and attempt to start them from the ground. I have to assume that this may be successful due to all the seuccesful feral tomatoes i have growing now.

random photo: one of our small raised gardens.

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